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  • 培训欧博app & 俄亥俄州凯霍加瀑布的大学

    位于俄亥俄州凯霍加瀑布的FORTIS学院以前被称为国家理工学院.  富通学院 is a postsecondary college in 凯霍加瀑布 that provides career education and training to people in the greater Cleveland, 亚克朗市, 不伦瑞克 & Stow领域.

    你找过俄亥俄州克利夫兰的护理专业吗?  你觉得在俄亥俄州当护士是个令人兴奋的想法吗?  在FORTIS学院,我们提供课堂教学的护理课程, 实验室和临床经验,为学生准备入门级护理职位.  The 实际的护理 program prepares students with the skills to sit for the licensure exam to become a practical nurse upon graduation.

    The Associate Degree 护理 program at 富通学院 凯霍加瀑布 is taught by experienced nursing instructors who are committed to helping students reach their career goal of becoming a registered nurse.  在FORTIS完成ADN护理欧博app后, 学生将准备好参加成为注册护士的执照考试.  有了富通的护理教育,也许有一天你也可以加入2.600万美国人成为注册护士.

    FORTIS为医疗辅助等联合医疗职业领域提供医疗职业培训.  美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)将医疗助理和牙科助理列为从现在到2018年全美增长最快的职业.  FORTIS的招生人员将努力将您的愿望和能力与您可以成功的欧博app相匹配.

    如果你想从事暖通空调机械师或安装人员的工作, 然后考虑凯霍加瀑布FORTIS学院的暖通空调欧博app, OH.  学生们学习安装和修理暖气, 通风, 空调, 制冷系统.  俄亥俄州北部到处都是住宅区, 各种形状的商业和工业建筑, 尺寸和年龄.  迟早,他们的供暖和制冷系统都需要维修.  通过富通的培训,您可以在比您想象的更短的时间内进入暖通空调行业.

    我们为自己是俄亥俄州顶尖的职业学院而感到自豪. Our quality degree and diploma programs are created to help students enhance their career opportunities by equipping them with the needed career-ready education and skill set.

    作为一名学生, 凯霍加瀑布的FORTIS学院, OH不仅能帮助你为未来的职业生涯做好准备, 但也有助于发展你的个人和职业成长. 扩大你的书面和人际交流, 解决问题和批判性思维的能力.


    根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 预计在未来十年,医疗保健和医疗行业的就业机会将会增加, 部分原因是我们的人口老龄化和医疗保健需求的增加. 富通提供各种医疗和保健培训计划来帮助满足这一需求.

    The dental assisting and dental training programs at Fortis Colleges and Institutes help students acquire the skills and knowledge they need to demonstrate competency required for relevant licensing and getting started on a new career. 牙科 assistants and dental hygienists are critical members of the healthcare team and Fortis’s dental training programs can help prepare you for a new career.



    焊接技术员和加热, 通风, 空调和制冷程序在我们位于1040 E Tallmadge Ave的卫星位置提供, 亚克朗市,  俄亥俄州44310. 


    以下课程可能需要执照或认证才能获得就业. Please find your program of interest to determine if the program meets the educational requirements for licensure or 认证 in your state.